Collections of participating institutions
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Afghani Herbarium
Armenian Herbarium
Azerbaijani Herbarium
Austrian Herbaria
- ADMONT // Benediktinerstift Admont, Naturhistorisches Museum
- GJO // Center of Natural History, Botany, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
- GZU // Karl Franzes University of Graz
- GZU - general herbarium of phanerogamic plants with important incorporated collections, mostly former private herbaria e.g. Conrath (South Africa, Caucasus and SE-Europe), O. & I. Degener (Hawaii), Ecklon & Zeyher (South Africa), C. v. Ettingshausen, K. Fritsch, D.H.Hoppe, Josef (Anton) Kerner, F. Krašan, Lemperg, Nees ab Esenbeck, Nemetz (Flora Byzantina), M. Salzmann, Schmarda, Thwaites, Wallich, Wight, Woynar, G. Zenker.
- GZU - algae
- GZU - fungi and myxomycetes (single specimens, mainly collected by J. Poelt and his former students, as well as a few full sets and several substantial fragments of important exsiccata series)
- GZU - lichens
- GZU - lichenicolous fungi
- GZU - bryophytes
- GZU - plant fossil collection (former private collection of C. v. Ettingshausen)
- NBSI // Biologisches Forschungsinstitut für Burgenland,Biologische Station Neusiedler See,Illmitz
- W // Natural history Museum Vienna
- W - the general herbarium of phanerogamic plants
- W-Krypt - the general herbarium of kryptogamic plants
- WU // University of Vienna, [former] Institute for Botany
- WU-Generale - the general herbarium of phanerogamic plants
- WU-Halácsy-Europaeum / WU-Halácsy-Graecum - former private European & Greek herbaria of
Eugen von Halácsy
- WU-Keck - former private herbarium of Karl Keck
- WU-Kerner - former private herbarium of Anton Kerner von Marilaun
- WU-Melk - incorporated collections of the Monastery of Melk / Lower Austria
- WU-Pteridophytes, WU-Bryophyta-Musci, WU-Bryophyta-Hepaticae, WU-Algae,
WU-Mycologicum, WU-Fungi-Generale, WU-Carpologica, WU-Liquor,
Austrian Livingplants
Czech Herbaria
Georgian Herbarium
German Herbaria
Iran Herbarium
Italian Herbarium
Montenegrinian Herbarium
Russian Herbaria
Salvadorian Herbarium
Turkish Herbarium
Ukrainian Herbaria